Cyberbullying on Social Media is out of control and everyday it destroys lives. Here's why Hashtag HushNow exists and how YOU can join in and support the fight against cyber bullying...
Twitter are constantly looking into ways of policing their platform and nothing seems to be as effective as it needs to be. Let's be blunt about this, right now as you read this, there are people who are hiding in silence, afraid to tweet because they are being watched. Trolling seems to be on the increase and, when it attacks the most vulnerable in our society, this can end in death - actually this often ends in suicide.
I need to tell you Rosy's story. This is why we are doing this and it's why it needs to be done like this.
I met Rosy earlier this year on Twitter and was drawn to her, not just because her story is heart wrenchingly sad (and it is) but because she refused totally to be a victim. Rosy was domestically abused for countless years and all you need to know is it was the worst case I had ever heard of. The details would horrify you and yet she channelled that hurt and pain into a Twitter account which supported others. She had a heart that just couldn't stop itself from supporting those who are hurting and as is so often the case she had a way of getting alongside the broken, because she was broken herself. Twitter was her outlet and her light shone and bathed those around her in such a warm and loving power that you couldn't help being changed. She led by example and she just cared so much. I watched as this broken and damaged little butterfly grew in strength and over time we became close friends. She supported and reached out to more hurting people whilst sharing her wonderful sense of humour. Rosy was a funny, funny person and, whilst her health problems were serious, she was a fighter. She wasn't afraid of openly discussing the horrors of her past, to give voice to those too scared to speak out and to stand with those who were so full of fear.
This month Rosy lost her fight, her last battle and her final straw was a bully. All the progress she had made was ripped away and in December 2016 she needed to rest, to "hush now" On Friday 9th December 2016 I lost one of my closest friends whose only crime seemed to be caring too much. Rosy was 33 and a vicious bully has destroyed someone who's heart was one of the purest and loving.
I am fed up with hearing stories like this and I am sick of seeing sub tweets and volleys of tweets that rip people apart. Banter is fine but where does it turn from fun to bullying? There is no definitive line and that's part of the problem. Social Media is a wonderful place where freedom of expression and connection can be exciting and rewarding but when it is placed in the hands of a bully it becomes a weapon that cripples and hurts people. This stops now!
Hashtag HushNow is designed so that it shines a light onto sub tweeting and bullying tweets by making people think before they tweet and motivating you as a Twittter user to watch over the most vulnerable. We welcome you to download and use our Hashtag HushNow logo but there are rules.
You have to use it like this:
1. When you see an example of bullying or sub tweeting which you feel could be damaging someone you send a tweet @ the person who is at fault. The picture is attached (you can download it above or from our Downloads page) with the tweet "A Message to the Bullies - #HushNow"
2. KEEP YOURSELF SAFE. Do NOT engage any more with the bully. Do not react to any tweets that you receive in response and do not attempt to explain. JUST A SINGLE TWEET from you is enough to show that the bullying has been noticed.
3. If the bullying and or sub tweeting continues, alert someone else who actively uses the #HushNow and ask them to send a tweet. Block the bullying account and report it to Twitter.
4. If you receive any messages from people who are being bullied, let them know about this website. You can find support sites that we recommend on the Where to Find Help page.
Doing this will mean that a strong and powerful light is shone into the darkness where bullies operate and offers a life saving line of support to victims who feel powerless and alone. This is possible without turning into the very thing that we are fighting against. You cannot fight a bully by becoming one yourself. Guardian Angels are strong and silent supporters who are life savers not because of their words or their muscle but just because they are there. We need to be more visible!
As Rosy used to say "Those that never ask for help or support are often the ones that need it the most" Let's be a group that offers support because we see its desperately needed.
"It was all about you, I was a pawn in your game. Those too afraid to speak, reach out your hand. Someone will hold it. I promise" Rosy - December 2016